Monday, 21 July 2014

Repentance (tawbah) - and it's conditions

Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan -حفظه الله تعالى- on the conditions of sincere Tawbah

"Tell us about Tawbah and what are it's conditions and what is the meaning of At-Tawbatun-Nasooh (the sincere repentance)?"

"At-Tawbah is to return from the sin to the obedience, and it is compulsory. (وَتُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ جَمِيعاً أَيُّهَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ)

This it is compulsory upon the Muslim, if he commits a sin that he rush with repent repentance to Allaah -عز وجل- and Allaah accepts the repentance of the one who repents.
(وَإِنِّي لَغَفَّارٌ لِمَنْ تَابَ وَآمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا ثُمَّ اهْتَدَىٰ)
And this is from the virtue if Allaah -عز و جل- He commanded with At-Tawbah and promised to accept the repentance of the one who repents and forgive him for his sin. But At-Tawbah is not merely with the tongue alone. At-Tawbah has condition that must be fulfilled, and these conditions are:

First Condition:
Abandoning the sin and distancing oneself from it and he doesn't say I have repented to Allaah but he doesn't move away from the sin nor does he abandon it.

Second Condition:
That he is determined not to return to the sin a second time. For if he repented to Allaah and in his intention he intends to return to the sin at another time then this repentance is merely temporary and it is not accepted by Allaah -سبحانه وتعالى-.

Third Condition:
He regrets what took place and to imagine this sin and to fear (it's recompense) and he doesn't say I've repented and that it. Thus he should be fearful of the (recompense) of that sin thus he has regret over what he did.

These are the condition of At-Tawbah and if they are meet Allaah will accept the repentance -سبحانه وتعالى- as He has promised."
Translated by:
Abu 'Ukkaashah 'Abdul Hakeem Ibn James

Friday, 11 July 2014

Explanation of the Hadiith "Fasting is for me…" by ash-Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan

Explanation of the Hadiith "Fasting is for me…" by ash-Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan


In the Hadiith qudsi "every action of the children of Aadam is for him apart from fasting, it is indeed for me and I will reward for it," I would like an explanation for this Hadiith and to know why fasting was specified with this distinction.


​All praise belongs to Allaah. This is a great, confirmed Hadiith on the authority of the Messenger—SallallAalhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam—who narrates from his lord—‘azza wa Jall—who said, “All of the deeds of Bany Aadam are for him except fasting, indeed it is for me and I will reward for it...” (Reported by al-Bukhaari 2/226 from the hadiith of Abu Hurairah)

​In this Hadiith is the virtue of fasting and its merit over the rest of the actions and that indeed Allaah specified it for Himself above the other actions of the servant. Some of the people of knowledge responded (regarding why Allaah specified fasting for Himself) in his statement “fasting is for me and I will reward for it...” with several answers.

​From them were those who said that the meaning of his statement –Ta’aalaa–“fasting is for me and I will reward for it...” is that the actions of the son (man or woman) of Aadam serves as retribution for what takes place between him and the oppressed. Those oppressed by him will seek retribution on Yawm al-Qiyaamah (Day of Standing/Judgement) by taking from his actions and good deeds as appears in the Hadiith, "A man will come on the day of judgment with good deeds the likes of mountains and he comes whilst having debased this one and struck that one and consumed the wealth of this one. Therefore, his good deeds will be taken from him for this one and for that one until all of his good deeds have vanished and there remains nothing, then the sins of the oppressed ones will be taken and casted upon him and [as a result] he is thrown into the fire (Sahiih Muslim 4/100, pg. 1997, from the Hadiith of Abu Hurairah). Except for fasting, for indeed, it (the reward of fasting) is not taken from him to be given to his rivals (those he oppressed) on Yawm al-Qiyaamah, rather Allaah–‘azza wa jall–stores it for the doer and rewards him for it.
​And what indicates this is his statement, “all the actions of the son of Aadam are an expiation for him apart from fasting, for indeed it is for me and I will reward for it,” meaning the actions of the son of Aadam serve us retribution and are taken by his rivals whom he has oppressed on Yawm al- Qiyaamah, apart from fasting, for indeed Allaah preserves it and it will not be overtaken by those he oppressed, [but will} remain with Allaah–‘azza wa jall—for its doer.

​And it was said that the meaning of His statement, “fasting is for me and I will reward for it, “ is that fasting is a hidden action nobody can know about except Allaah–Subhaanahu wa Ta’aalaa–for it is an intention of the heart in opposition to the rest of the actions which are apparent and seen by the people. As for fasting, it is a concealed action which is between the servant and his lord–‘azza wa Jall–and for this reason he said, “fasting is for me and I will reward for it. He indeed abandoned his desires, food and drink for my sake.” And his abandonment of his desires and food for the sake of Allaah, this is a hidden action and a concealed intention that nobody knows about apart from Allaah –Ta’aalaa–in opposition to charity for example and prayer and hajj and [other] apparent actions; these are seen by the people. As for fasting, nobody sees it, because the meaning of fasting is not merely abandoning food, drink and those things which break the fast, rather along with this, it must be done sincerely for Allaah–‘azza wa jall. And nobody knows this (sincerity of his fasting) except Allaah–Subhaanahu wa Ta’aalaa. Thus, His statement, “he abandoned his desire, food and drink…etc.” is an explanation for His statement, “fasting is for me and I will reward for it.”

​From the scholars are those who said that the meaning of His Statement, “fasting is for me and I will reward for it” is that Shirk (Polytheism) does not enter into fasting, contrary to the rest of the deeds which the Mushrikuun (polytheists) present to their objects of worship like: slaughtering, oaths and other than that from the different types of worship. Also Du’aa (supplication), fear and hope, for verily many of the Mushrikuun sought nearness to their idols and that which they worshipped with these things in opposition to fasting; it has not been mentioned that the Mushrikuun would fast for their idols and gods. Fasting is rather specific for Allaah–‘azza wa Jall—and it is upon this that the meaning of His statement, “Fasting is for me and I will reward for it,” is that shirk does not penetrate it, because the Mushrikuun did not seek nearness with it to their idols but rather fasting is used to seek nearness only to Allaah–‘azza wa Jall.

Translated by Abu Ukkaashah Abdul-Hakeem Ibn James.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Peter Chatfield - A message to the world

Hundreds of Muslims visit convert after message goes viral

Peter Chatfield, who is dying of cancer, received over 400 visitors after appealing to the Muslim world via social media.

World Bulletin / News Desk

British Muslim convert Peter Chatfield, is being held in Queens Hospital, Sahara Ward B5, due to spine cancer that has left him paralysed from the chest down. Doctors have given him an estimate of six months left to live.

Chatfield called upon Muslim brothers to surround him through his rough period of time, as he doesnt have many Muslim friends.

The response he received was amazing. Not long after the message spread via social media, hundreds of Muslims from all backgrounds went to visit Peter in the hospital.

“I am truly blessed,” Peter was quoted saying by Ilmfeed. “I don’t turn anyone away. In the last few days I have had over 400 visitors. It’s madness, and I’m so thrilled and feel so blessed to be so loved. That is the most important thing here – love.”

Peter has recieved an astonishing response to his cry out to the Muslim community. A visitor flew in from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, just to see him and fly back. The day before a family from Penaylvania, USA came to spend some time with him.

Peter said “I know I haven’t long left, I’m ready to go and I hope anyone I have hurt or upset can forgive me before I leave you all.”

“Am I scared about leaving life? No, I’m at peace and surrounded by so much love. In fact I had to temporarily block my phone as I couldn’t handle the calls and messages I have received. I have not had one moment of doubt of where I’m going. Blessed be those who visit me.”

He added, “I wish everyone here a speedy recovery. There’s so much you learn about human nature and life. Some people don’t receive a single visit and I have hundreds.”

“It’s so sad but that is the reality of life. People need to take a minute and spend some time with their loved ones – doing the important things in life – it’s a lot more than just a working, eating, sleeping routine for 60 or 70 years.”

Here are the details to his hospital, please call the ward before visiting him:

Peter Chatfield, Queens Hospital, Sahara Ward B5
Queens hospital.
Rom valley way, Romford, Essex RM7 O9A
Visiting times 10:30am – 7:30pm
